The western Kenya Busia Connect Africa Resourse Center is located 20KM from the border town of Busia near the Uganda border. Headed by Bishop Sabastian Amuru, the registered Community Based Organization (CBO) has an impact that reaches an ever-widening area to Kisumu and to the Rift Valley with village-Appropriate Technology projects like BioSand Water filters, ISSB construction and tank building, and permaculture design. A heathy Pastor's network of leaders gather for conferences, and reach into Rwanda, Congo and surrounding countries. We are currently building the Eco-San toilets and another small building on the acre site, and looking for partners to help fund the Conference center and complete this dynamic transformational center.
VIEW ON A MAP: Google Map of The Busia CARC
DIRECTIONS: In Western Kenya, 20 KM from Busia
E-MAIL: connectafrica@gmail.com
PHONE: +254 708 450 128
AREAS SERVED: Western Kenya, Riff Valley, Eastern Uganda