Connect Africa Ministries, headquartered in Migadde, Uganda. The 'Hub' as it is known, is a 20-acre demonstration permaculture farm. In January 2014, Grant Shadden a graduate of the Midwest Permaculture Institute taught the first 72-hour Permaculture Design Course at the Hub, and the students and land have forever been transformed!
Permaculture design principles and methods helped us address many challenges, such as soil depletion, climate change, and water shortages.
Connect Africa continues to train others in Permaculture through workshops, conferences, and internships.
Visitors will likely see our square-foot garden, spiral garden, market gardens, medicinal garden, nursery, prayer garden, nitrogen-fixing and fruit trees along berms and swales dug on contour, pig tractors, chicken tractors, poultry house quadrant system, rabbit house, beekeeping, coffee plantation, banana plantation, and fish ponds.
Care for People - Care for Planet - Fair Share
SWALES DUG ON CONTOURSwales dug on contour hold water on the land. | CHICKEN TRACTORSPortable chicken coops that allow the chickens to free range and build soil fertility. | BEEKEEPING |
DAIRY COWS | PIG TRACTORSPortable pig pens that allow pigs to graze, root and fertilize the land in preparation for planting. | MARKET GARDENSHeavily mulched raised beds dug on contour hold water and provide year round vegetables. |
FISH PONDS | Market Garden HarvestIntern, Noah, harvesting dodo/amaranth for lunch. | OUTDOOR CLASSPDC Principles taught under the mango trees in the prayer garden. |